Mantis R&D

MR&D is the technological arm of Zorak's Minions. We currently have three products in the design phase.

Tactical Paint Cannon

Sick of bunkers with slots too small to hit? How'd you like to blast 'em with 50 paintballs at once? The TPC uses 12 gram CO2 powerlets (one per shot) to propel a dual-stack 50 ball array of paint down a short smoothbore barrel at the target. We do no envision recognition of this device from any paintball authority. However, it has several useful roles for paintball nonetheless.

Sick of custom semi dicksize wars? Nobody can outshoot our TPC.

Want to blast through that old ProBounce in a hurry? 50 rounds per go will exhaust even a case in short order.

Tired of your dull white aluminum siding? Instant technicolor!

"Ouch, M*th*rf*ck*r, that Hurts!" Paint

Sick of watching paintball after paintball bounce? Sick of people who won't call themselves out of the game? OMTHP ensures first-shot marking of your opponents!

Instead of messing around with wussy little watercolor fill, OMTH balls are solid gelatin. The extra mass makes them slower at the chrono, so bring your extra springs! But the extra mass ensures that instead of colorful hickeys, your opposition leaves the game with deep muscle bruises. A hail of this stuff will make even the most determined wiper run for the dead zone. OMTHP also has the mass to punch right through the branches and leaves that send normal paintballs tumbling off-course.

And best of all, no barrel breaks!

Radio-Detonated Area Denial Mines

Ever clear out of a bunker, only to have your opponent jump in there and use it against you? Get ready for RDADMs! Drop one, clear out, and when the bad guy jump in, hit the button! Spray-o-rama! He's out of the game and he never knew what hit him.

They're reusable, too- just replace the 12-gram powerlet, refill the paint reservoir, and you're ready for the next game.

Grab 'em by the six pack!